Windsong Film Camp:
Flexible Film Camp – Sign Up to have Fun and Learn a Ton!
Acting Directing
Cinematic Literacy
Motion Picture Structure
Shot Meaning
Shot Movement
Audio Control
Sound Effects
Sound Mixing
Musical Scoring
Participate in producing a motion picture
Work under the guidance of professionals
For Winter – Spring and/ or Summer Film Camp
For information call: 260-348-5510
Windsong Pictures 2015 Film Camp
PO Box 5018, Fort Wayne, IN. 46895-5018
Student’s Name
Grade______ Age_______
E-mail Address _______________________________________________
Telephone ______________School___________________________
Please list any other special needs: __________________________________________________
Permission to Attend the Windsong Pictures Summer Film Camp and Release from Liability Statement:
I give permission for my child to participate in all film camp activities under adult supervision and for emergency medical care to be given, if needed. I understand that participation in certain activities (e.g. acting, filming out-of-doors, etc.) may expose my child to risks and hazards not ordinarily encountered in the classroom. Further, I release Windsong Pictures, Inc. from any and all claims, judgments, liability for injury, whether personal or property, that my child, his/her estate, my spouse now has, ever had or may have due to my child’s participation in this program that are attributable to the fault of parties other than Windsong Pictures, Inc.; or, to the extent permitted by law, attributable to the fault of Windsong Pictures, Inc.
Student Name
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature___________________________________
Printed Name___________________________________________